What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept credit cards including Visa and Mastercard, as well as Paypal. All prices are listed in United States dollars. Use the currency converter tool to estimate the amount in your local currency.
What countries do you ship to?
We ship worldwide!
What shipping methods do you offer?
Shipments within Canada are shipped using Canada Post from Vancouver, BC.
Shipments to the United States are shipped via USPS. We work closely with a courier to transport our items to the United States which equals faster shipping for our US customers and without the worries of duties.
Shipments outside of Canada and the United States are shipped using Canada Post from Vancouver, BC.
How quickly will my order ship?
Orders ship within 3 business days of receiving payment.
Will my order have Duties or Taxes related to shipping?
Shipments outside Canada and the United States may be subject to duties, taxes or import charges, which are the responsibility of the purchaser. For more information, please contact your local customs office.
Will I be charged tax?
Taxes will be applied to orders within Canada, according to the province where your shipping address is located. Orders to the USA and international orders outside of North America are not taxed, and orders to the EU for physical products are not taxed.
There are now taxes on digital products only to customers in the EU. A new law went into effect January 1, 2015 that requires sellers of digital products worldwide to collect taxes on sales to the EU. This law uses the purchaser's country to calculate the rate of tax, rather than the seller's country. We use the VAT rate in the country you purchase from to calculate the sales tax on your order. For more information here is the official European Union documentation, with FAQ answers here.
When will by order arrive?
Orders to the Canada and the United States will arrive within 14 days of shipment.
International orders can take 10 to 30 days to arrive.
Where's my order?
Log in to your account, and on the left column, look for 'View Order Status.' That will bring up a list of your orders and tell you their current status.
Do I have to create an account?
Yes, that's the only way to be able to check on your orders and most importantly, access downloadable files forever. Your account information is kept private and will not be shared or used for any purpose other than shipping your order, and contacting you if necessary.
My order is Awaiting Fulfillment. What does that mean?
This means we have received your order information and payment, but it hasn't been shipped yet.
Can I change my order?
In order to provide quick and efficient shipping service, all orders are considered final once placed.
Can I return my order?
All sales are final.
Is my account information safe?
Sewaholic Patterns will never share, rent or sell any of your personal information. Your phone number, address and email address is private and will never be used for any purpose other than contacting you about your order and shipping your patterns.